League in the Spotlight: LWV of Dane County

League in the Spotlight: LWV of Dane County

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League to Host Former LWVUS President in Public Issues Forum

LWV Dane County has rescheduled its March 2020 centennial program to celebrate their League’s 100-year Anniversary in a forum titled "Lively Issues Conversations: Centennial Challenges." On Saturday, January 16, LWV Dane County will discuss the continued fight for voting rights, and as previously planned, the virtual event will feature Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins, the first LWVUS president of African Descent and author of The Untold Story of Women of Color in the League of Women Voters. It will also include a tribute in honor of the LWV Dane County centennial by Madison poet laureate Dr. Fabu Phillis Carter. The forum will be moderated by LWVWI board member and former WPR talk show host, Joy Cardin. 

During the program, Dr. Jefferson-Jenkins will share her thoughts on “Finishing the Fight: Now?” She brings a unique perspective to the voting rights issue as an educator, activist, advocate, author, historian, a national and international speaker on women’s history, women’s suffrage, elections, and African-American history. She has been a League member since 1982.

League members interested in participating are encouraged to register for this program as it will not be recorded.