What is Mis-and-Disinfornmation
Misinformation: Inadvertently sharing false inforamtion without the intent of harm.
Disinformation: Creating and sharing false information with the intent to harm.
How to Spot Disinformation Online
1. Consider the Source
Does the URL look strange? Check the 'About' page on the webiste.
2. Check the Date
Is the story old news? Sharing out-of-date information may not match current events.
3. Cross Check Information
Are reputable news sources reporting the same story?
4. Read Past the Headline
What's the whole story? Sometimes a headline doesn't match the content.
5. Question Emotionally Charged Content
Disinformation intends to sow division by getting us angry or sad through images or memes.
Dos and Don'ts of Disinformation
❌ DON'T Click or Share
If you quote the bad information, you help to spread it.
✅DO Share Accurate Information
Without mentioning the wrong info, set the record straight by sharing the correct messages.
❌ DON'T Engage Publicly
If someone you know is sharing bad info, message them privately and ask them to take it down.
✅DO Report and Block
Report inaccurate information to social media platforms, group administrators and election officials. Block users you don't know who share mis or disinformation.
How to combat mis-and-disinformation
1. Never quote the bad information. This only helps to spread the bad message wider, and studies show that repeating bad info, even to debunk it, makes people more likely to remember the bad info and not your good info.
2. Refer to the bad information without repeating it.
3. Focus on providing correct information and, if possible, include trustowrthy sources for where to learn more.
4. Inoculation messaging: Think of GOOD information like a vaccine. You want to proactively inoculate against anticipated problematic content before it spreads.
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