Wisconsin’s Bridges and Roads Infrastructure Report Card grades are C+ (mediocre: requires attention) and D+ (poor: at risk), respectively.
The typical bridge is at or near the end of its design life and more than one-third of the drivable roads are in fair or below condition. Yet, recent efforts by state decision-makers have stalled in addressing both long- and short-term funding needs.
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin recently held a category meeting on the infrastructure of bridges and roads in Wisconsin. Tony Castle, P.E., and Brian Udovich, the lead authors of the bridges and roads categories in the American Society of Civil Engineers - WI Section 2020 Infrastructure Report Card, presented on their respective categories.
The following panelists also gave brief remarks and engaged in a Q&A discussion with attendees:
- Debby Jackson, Executive Director, Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin
- Mark Kessenich, Chief Executive Officer, Associated General Contractors of Greater Milwaukee
- Kyle Christianson, Director of Government Affairs, Wisconsin Counties Association
- Habib Tabatabai, PhD., P.E., S.E., Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW-Milwaukee
Learn more about the League's series on infrastructure here.
View the recording below.