All Delaware Articles

"EDUCATION" spelled out in beads or blocks

First State Educate, in partnership with other educational advocacy groups, is planning Delaware school board candidate forums to be streamed online in late April and early May (in advance of the May 9 school board elections state-wide). This article has the schedule and registration links.

stack of books

Virtual book discussion group on "Walkable City" by Jeff Speck from late January thru April 2023.

7-lane bumper-to-bumper traffic backup shown, text "Why are we choosing this?"

Please join the LWVDE Land Use and Transportation Committee on a deep dive with local experts into the Importance of VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) - an Exploration of Health, Climate Change, Land Use and Community. ***VIDEO IS NOW POSTED HERE***

LWVDE League Days 2023 Presentation series... Affordable Housing - or the Lack Thereof

"The State of Delaware's Affordable Housing Crisis": A virtual presentation series by the League of Women Voters of Delaware Advocacy Corps as part of League Days 2023. Video recordings of all sessions are now available.

Early Voting

General information concerning the elections in Delaware on November 8, 2022 can be found on the State's website ( Click READ MORE to find the locations for the Early and November 8th Voting locations, dates, and times.

Member's Spotlight

THREE CHEERS FOR OUR COLLEAGUE PEGGY!!!~~such well-deserved recognition!!!


WDEL Podcast: Delaware League of Women Voters launches Vote411 online voters guide to primary elections

Women's inequality

August 26, otherwise known as Women's Equality Day, marks the anniversary of the certification of the 19th amendment, which granted some women the right to vote.

white house
Member's Spotlight

President Biden Announces Key Appointments to Boards and Commissions

Mailin vote

SB 320 Signed by Governor John Carney

We strengthen our democracy by removing barriers to voting    
