Board Duties

Board Duties

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 Duties of LWV ABC Board Members 

(Updated 1/23/2023 by the LWV ABC Board)

    1. Develop and maintain LWV ABC  policies
    2. Set priorities and goals for LWV ABC
    3. Appoint LWV ABC members to  Emeritus Board Member positions and non-board positions (see Duties of Board Appointed Positions)
    4. Appoint a board member to serve on the nominations committee
    5. Select annual Friend of League Award recipient after considering nominations of the Communications Chair
    6. Adopt Candidate Forum Ground Rules annually after considering recommendations of the Voter Services Chair
    7. Approve expenditures not included in annual budget
    8. Become knowledgeable about League positions and practices
    9. Identify and mentor new leaders
    10. Understand and abide by the League's nonpartisan policy
    11. Understand and practice the League's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
    12. Attend board meetings or provide notification if unable to attend. Committee chair board members may appoint another member of their committee to attend in their place.
    13. Assist in overall planning and decision making of the board
    14. Support and attend local, regional and state League meetings and activities
    15. Promote and explain League in the community
    16. Promote growth and diversity in membership
    17. Develop, organize and assist with fundraising activities
    18. Carry out any specific assignments
    19. Form a committee for a project, event, or study, if appropriate, and maintain any necessary committee and/or portfolio file with reports, publicity, memos, clippings, etc.
    20. Participate in planning the Annual Membership Meeting
    21. Recommend BylawsPDF icon Membership Dues and Position changes to the Annual Membership Meeting and send to membership in the month before the annual meeting
    22. Recommend proposed Budget to the Annual Membership Meeting and send to membership in the month before the annual meeting­­­
    23. Involve other LWV ABC members; spread the workload
    24. Prepare reports and/or bring plans to board for discussion and decisions
    25. Compile physical documents and objects (photos, newspaper articles, buttons, awards, etc.) that should be saved in the archives. The LWV ABC historians will collect at the Annual Meeting.
    26. Add electronic copies of all documents to appropriate folder in the LWV ABC Google Drive.
    27. Add electronic photographs to the LWV ABC Dropbox account.
    28. Identify, address and follow up on community issues
    29. Obtain board approval prior to taking action in the name of League
    30. Provide articles and information for the newsletter
    31. Orientate successor and pass on files
    32. Prepare list of upcoming meetings, events, etc. to be announced at membership meetings and League events
    33. Remind president or program host of announcements at meetings
    34. Greet members and guests