Duties of LWV ABC Board Members
(Updated 1/23/2023 by the LWV ABC Board)
- Develop and maintain LWV ABC policies
- Set priorities and goals for LWV ABC
- Appoint LWV ABC members to Emeritus Board Member positions and non-board positions (see Duties of Board Appointed Positions)
- Appoint a board member to serve on the nominations committee
- Select annual Friend of League Award recipient after considering nominations of the Communications Chair
- Adopt Candidate Forum Ground Rules annually after considering recommendations of the Voter Services Chair
- Approve expenditures not included in annual budget
- Become knowledgeable about League positions and practices
- Identify and mentor new leaders
- Understand and abide by the League's nonpartisan policy
- Understand and practice the League's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
- Attend board meetings or provide notification if unable to attend. Committee chair board members may appoint another member of their committee to attend in their place.
- Assist in overall planning and decision making of the board
- Support and attend local, regional and state League meetings and activities
- Promote and explain League in the community
- Promote growth and diversity in membership
- Develop, organize and assist with fundraising activities
- Carry out any specific assignments
- Form a committee for a project, event, or study, if appropriate, and maintain any necessary committee and/or portfolio file with reports, publicity, memos, clippings, etc.
- Participate in planning the Annual Membership Meeting
- Recommend Bylaws,
Membership Dues and Position changes to the Annual Membership Meeting and send to membership in the month before the annual meeting
- Recommend proposed Budget to the Annual Membership Meeting and send to membership in the month before the annual meeting
- Involve other LWV ABC members; spread the workload
- Prepare reports and/or bring plans to board for discussion and decisions
- Compile physical documents and objects (photos, newspaper articles, buttons, awards, etc.) that should be saved in the archives. The LWV ABC historians will collect at the Annual Meeting.
- Add electronic copies of all documents to appropriate folder in the LWV ABC Google Drive.
- Add electronic photographs to the LWV ABC Dropbox account.
- Identify, address and follow up on community issues
- Obtain board approval prior to taking action in the name of League
- Provide articles and information for the newsletter
- Orientate successor and pass on files
- Prepare list of upcoming meetings, events, etc. to be announced at membership meetings and League events
- Remind president or program host of announcements at meetings
- Greet members and guests