LWV OZAUKEE COUNTY is a great example of why more local Leagues in Wisconsin should subscribe to VOTE411.org. Being a subscriber gives local Leagues behind-the-scenes access to post online voter guides for local and county races, which better serves the electorate in their area. Last winter, LWV Ozaukee County decided to learn how it works. The VOTE411.org site is set up to match a candidate’s district to individual addresses based on GIS coded files. Candidate questions for local and county races are generated by the local League and candidates enter their own responses which appear on the site as they have typed them. Ozaukee County voters using VOTE411.org to seek information on candidates running statewide or in State Senate/Assembly races, will now also find candidate voter guides for local races as well. “Our League is glad we participated in this process,” says LWV Ozaukee County President Barbara Hunt, “We’ve advertised it to voters via handouts placed in libraries, coffee houses, schools, and at all our events. We encourage all local Leagues to participate in VOTE411.org and we are here to answer your questions.”
Megan Brown, Elections Coordinator for LWVUS, manages and maintains the VOTE411.org website and is the contact person for local Leagues wanting to subscribe. If you’re interested in speaking with Megan Brown, please contact Voter Service Coordinator Eileen Newcomer in the LWVWI office, enewcomer [at] lwvwi.org.
League in the Spotlight: LWV Ozaukee County
League in the Spotlight: LWV Ozaukee County
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