[MADISON, WI] - Ahead of the Spring Primary, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin offers the nonpartisan election resource VOTE411.org. This “one-stop-shop” for election information provides simple, easy tools to help Wisconsin voters navigate the voting process. VOTE411 provides candidate information for statewide and local offices, a list of upcoming League-sponsored candidate forums, and other helpful election information.
“Voters in Wisconsin need convenient, accessible tools to where they can learn about the candidates looking to represent them in elected office and find information to help them navigate the voting process before they vote,” said Eileen Newcomer, LWVWI Voter Education Manager. “That is why the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin has published our voter guide on VOTE411 to serve as a resource for all Wisconsin voters.”
The Spring Primary and the Primary for the Special Election for Congressional District 7 will be on February 18, 2020. Voters will decide which candidates will make it onto the ballot for the next elections for State Supreme Court Justice, Representative for Congressional District 7, and other local races.
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin sent questionnaires to all the candidates whose names will appear on the ballot running for State Supreme Court Justice and Representative for Congressional District 7. Each candidate’s responses are posted verbatim on VOTE411, so voters get the candidate’s information in the candidate’s own words. Candidates who did not respond are marked “No candidate response” in the voter guide.
The information available on VOTE411 helps thousands of Wisconsin voters each year - many of them young and first-time voters - learn about candidate qualifications and positions and find general election information.
“We receive feedback every election from voters about how they appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the candidates through each candidate’s own words on VOTE411,” Newcomer added. “We encourage voters to visit VOTE411 and make a voting plan so they are prepared to cast their vote confidently whether they choose to vote absentee prior to the election or in-person on election day.”
The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is a grassroots, nonpartisan political organization that advocates for informed and active participation in government. There are 20 local Leagues in Wisconsin. More information at lwvwi.org.
Contact: Eileen Newcomer
Voter Education Manager
enewcomer [at] lwvwi.org