Support of:
- Restricted use of pesticides until such time as the scientific question of their effects can be conclusively resolved.
- Classification of pesticides, complete and understandable labeling of pesticides, and state or federal certification of applicators using restricted pesticides.
Pesticide Reduction
Support for the reduction of exposure to all pesticides and the use of non-toxic alternatives. Governmental bodies should encourage a reduction in pesticide use through the promotion of management programs such as Integrated Pest Management, sustainable agriculture, and non-toxic control techniques.
- State governments should provide economic incentives to farmers and growers to implement these alternative techniques. State governments should provide funding for training in these techniques to employees of public agencies and institutions, to commercial applicators, to farmers, and to private individuals. Anyone handling pesticides as part of a job should be required to demonstrate knowledge and competency and, before receiving a license or certification, be required to take a training course and pass a state regulated examination.
Pesticides should be used selectively, not routinely, in: hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants, schools, playgrounds, publicly owned buildings, golf courses, parks, roadsides, and swimming pools.
Governmental Regulation of Pesticide Use
Support for the regulation of the use of pesticides by all levels of government. Government standards should be set for all lawn care and mosquito abatement companies. Adequate funding for all appropriate levels of government should be established to finance testing for over-spray, drift, and water contaminations. Pesticide drift beyond the boundaries of the targeted area should be prohibited by law.
The use of pesticides should be totally prohibited in the following instances:
- Aerial spraying of residential neighborhoods' recharge zones for drinking water supplies;
- Vulnerable designated wetlands and other natural areas;
- Habitats for endangered species.
In the absence of federal regulations, state governments should enact organic labeling laws and organic farming certification laws. In addition, funding for increased testing by appropriate state agencies for pesticides in food is essential.
States should be able to set residue levels for food that are stricter than federal level.
Public Notification of Pesticide Use
Belief that lawn care companies, structural pest control companies, and agricultural pesticide applicators should provide the public, including agricultural workers, with extensive information about pesticides and pesticide use, including:
- Purpose of application
- Brand name of pesticide(s) used
- Date and time of year when pesticides are to be applied
- Label precautions and disposal information
- Registration status
- Amount and names of all inert ingredients
- Name, address, and telephone number of applicator
- Evidence of applicant's license or certification
- Telephone number of state agency in charge of pesticide regulation
- Telephone number of nearest Poison Control Center
- Health symptoms and first aid
Because of the potential for involuntary exposure to pesticides, individuals should be notified prior to application of pesticides. Re-entry times and exposure precautions should be conspicuously posted. Information should be posted for interior and exterior pesticide application. Posting should occur in advance of application of any pesticide.