Budget Guidelines
A budget is a planning instrument that reflects the goals, priorities and activities planned for the year. The board is responsible for seeing that the budget is carried out. Expenses should be recorded and allocated in the same fashion as they were budgeted
A well-conceived, realistic gross budget
- Reflects all anticipated income and expenses for the fiscal year.
- Reflects planned growth in members, dues, contributions and League activities.
- Includes funds for sending delegates to state and national conventions
- Includes funds to pay the per member payment (PMP) to LWVMN and LWVUS.
Budget Committee
- Board appoints members in January or February and provides input to the Committee
- The treasurer is an ex officio member of the budget committee but is not be eligible to serve as chair.
- The Budget Committee presents a proposed budget to the board in March
- In March, the Board reviews the proposed budget, revises if necessary and adopts a budget recommendation
- Board sends the the Board's Budget Recommendation to all voting members prior to the Annual Membership Meeting
- Over the course of the fiscal year, the Board may revise or adjust the budget to respond to changed circumstances and should approve any significant expense requests that were not budgeted.
Annual Membership Meeting
The Annual Membership Meeting shall adopt a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Annual Membership Meeting may revise the Budget Recommendation of the Board.