Elected LWV ABC Committee Chairs

Elected LWV ABC Committee Chairs

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Elected Committee Chairs are responsible for the duties specified below but may delegate tasks to other committee members. Committee Chairs also serve on the Board of Directors.

  Action | Communications | Program | Membership | Voter Services

(Updated on 2024 by the LWV ABC Board)


Action and Advocacy Committee Chair

  1. Identify, address and follow up on community issues
  2. Alert members of issues needing immediate action from LWV ABC, LWVMN and LWVUS
  3. Review reports from Observer Corps
  4. Plan and conduct Legislative Interviews
  5. Plan and coordinate local studies
  6. Draft consensus questions for board approval and member discussion for local studies
  7. Recommend actions to Board when determined to be appropriate
  8. Take actions as directed by Board
  9. Periodically review Action Committee related webpages and recommend changes to the Webmaster (or designee), including the Action and Advocacy public webpage and subpages and the Action and Advocacy Committee members only webpage.
  10. Prepare a report on the committee’s activities for the Annual Membership Meeting

Communications Committee Chair

  1. Prepare the newsletter by soliciting and writing articles
  2. Send an electronic copy of the newsletter to all members and to lwvmn [at] lwvmn.org and mail newsletter to members who request a printed newsletter
  3. Update the local information on the LWVMN website regularly
  4. Maintain media contacts and submit articles to local media (papers/cable stations, etc.) about public membership meetings and events
  5. Prepare and submit a press release announcing the Zilla Way Award winner
  6. Maintain and update the LWV ABC website, Facebook page, Instagram account, Twitter account  and YouTube channel
  7. Solicit nominees for the Friend of League Award from the membership and work with the board to select recipient for the Award to be presented at the fall kickoff
  8. Prepare and submit a press release announcing the Friend of League Award winner
  9. Update and maintain the online LWV ABC Member Handbook
  10. Update League Basics pamphlet as needed.
  11. When notified of a new member: 

    Add new members to Mailchimp with "member" and "book club" tags
    Add new member announcement to newsletter

  12. Promote use of social media
  13. Work with the member outreach coordinator on needed telephone communications
  14. Work with members who are communication liaisons to their communities
  15. Ensure that members are informed about changes in meeting times and locations
  16. Prepare a report on the committee’s activities for the Annual Membership Meeting 


 Membership Committee Chair

  1. Provide for recruitment, training, cultivation and retention of members
  2. Work with the board to develop a strategy to add diversity to membership
  3. Ensures Roster Manager maintains local, LWVMN and LWVUS rosters/databases
  4. Providw currrent contact information to President, Vice President, Communications Chair, Voter Services Chair, Roster Manager and Webmaster.
  5. Send updated roster to Webmaster whenever changes are reported 
  6. Ensure LWVUS membership database is correct by January 31 for correct per member payment (PMP) calculation by LWVUS and LWVMN
  7. Work with the Communications Committee to ensure website and other publications provide the information needed by members to fully participate in LWV ABC
  8. Update the Volunteer Opportunities Flyer following the Annual Membership Meeting
  9. Update Membership Application/Brochure and online Membership application as needed
  10. At program meetings and events
      • Greet members and guests
      • Provide name tags, sign-in forms, LWV buttons, League Basics pamphlet  and membership applications/brochures
      • Set out a container for donations and submit donations to treasurer

11. After program meetings and events:

          • Record number of members and guests in attendance at meetings
          • When emails are provided by the public
                  • Add emails to newsletter mailing list
                  • Send  “Thank you for your interest” emails
                  • Record letters sent

12. When new members join LWV ABC:

          • Send “Welcome” email or letter with interest survey
          • After confirming “Welcome Email” has not bounced back, notify President, Vice President, Communications Chair, Voter Services Chair, Webmaster and Roster Manager of new member contact information.
          • Provide with LWV button at next meeting they attend

13. Assist Treasurer and President in contacting members about annual dues renewals

      • In March, provide President with mailing address of all members who are expiring
      • Track which members have renewed dues
      • In May, one week after May Program, provide treasurer with email list of all members who have not renewed so Treasurer can contact by email
      • In June, begin contacting members who have still  not renewed by  email and  phone
      • In September, sent final notice by USPS mail to members who have not renewed.
      • If no response to final notice, notify Board, Webmaster and Roster Manager which members are no longer active.

14. Periodically review Membership Committee related webpages and recommend changes to the Webmaster (or designee), including the JoinMember HandbookDiversity, Equity and Inclusion public webpages and subpages and the “Roster” members only webpage. 

15. Prepare Member Milestone Certificates of Appreciation for Annual Membership Meeting

16. Prepare a report on the committee’s activities for the Annual Membership Meeting


Program Committee Chair

  • With board input, plan monthly meetings for local, LWVMN, and LWVUS topics 
  • Notify Communications Chair and Webmaster (or designee) of program title, description, location, date and time as soon as monthly meeting is confirmed. 
  • Arrange for taping of Program Meetings with cable television partners
  • Provide Webmaster (or designee) with power point presentation or other documents related to the monthly meetings.
  • Notify Hospitality Committee Chair of program meeting of location, date, time and food/snack needs for in person program meetings.
  • Periodically review Program Committee related webpages and recommend changes to the Webmaster (or designee), including the Spotlight on Issues public webpage and monthly meeting calendar program event.
  • Prepare a report on the committee’s activities for the Annual Membership Meeting


 Voters Service Committee Chair

  1. Plan and conduct candidate forums and voter registration events
  2. Provide training for members for Voters Service activities
  3. Update and distribute voter service related materials and publications for the public
  4. Apply for Voter Service grants and complete the Voter Services grant report
  5. Report on our nonpartisan policy at Annual Membership Meeting and recommend changes for Annual Membership approval
  6. Report on Candidate Forum Ground Rules at annual board retreat and recommend changes for Board approval.
  7. Add new member emails to SignUp Genius to either “Members” list or “Elected Official Members” list
  8. Maintain current membership contact information in SignUp Genius
  9. Periodically review Voter Services related webpages and recommend changes to the Webmaster (or designee), including the Voter and Election Information public webpage and subpages and the “Voter Services” members-only webpage
  10. Prepare a report on the committee’s activities for the Annual Membership Meeting