Board Appointees

Board Appointees

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Most of the following positions are appointed by the LWV ABC Board of Directors and report to the Board.  The Roster Manager is appointed by the Membership Chair and reports to Membership Chair.

Updated 2024 by LWV ABC Board

Emeritus Board Members


Bylaws Committee

  • Review bylaws for workability and operation of LWV ABC, and for conformity with LWVMN and LWVUS; identify areas of needed change
  • Make recommendations to the board annually two months before the Annual Membership Meeting


Budget Committee

  • Prepare a proposed budget and present to the board for approval or amendment during the month before the Annual Membership Meeting
  • Present the proposed budget, as approved by the board,  at the Annual Membership Meeting
  • Identify need for fundraising 


Community Communication Liaison

  • Contact city or community organizations for inclusion LWV ABC information on their websites, city newsletters,  new resident packets and other communications in coordination with the Communication Chair


Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues (CMAL) Delegate

  • Attends quarterly meetings of CMAL
  • Observe the Metropolitan Council during the week assigned by CMAL
  • Submit CMAL articles for The Voter newsletter
  • Submit copy of the CMAL newsletter to the Webmaster for inclusion on the LWV ABC website
  • Lead a membership meeting on a CMAL topic


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

  • Identify and make recommendations to the board on any barriers to full participation by members or the public
  • Identify and make recommendations to the board on ways to attract and build a diverse membership
  • Identify and make recommendations to the board on both internal and public educational needs regarding diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Review all LWV ABC actions through a diversity, equity and inclusion lens and make recommendations to the board
  • Build relationships with community organizations and collaborate with community organizations to plan and implement actions that eliminate racism
  • Recommend joint projects with community organizations to increase LWV ABC action on diversity, equity and inclusion related issues
  • Work with Program Committee on developing program meeting and community events on diversity, equity and inclusion related issues
  • Collaborate with community partners to plan and implement actions that eliminate racism
  • Lead at least one membership meeting per year on a diversity, equity and inclusion related topic



  • Review and organize materials in archive and add significant documents annually
  • Collect significant items and documents at Annual Membership Meeting
  • Maintain LWV ABC records at Anoka County Government Center


Hospitality Committee

  • Arrange for and prepare the room at the Andover Senior Center for program meetings, unless informed by program chair that the meeting will be held at another location
  • Provide serving supplies for meals which  move towards the LWV ABC goal of “Zero Waste” hospitality
  • Check with vice president to estimate number of people expected
  • Recruit  and coordinate volunteers to provide refreshments for meetings which include vegetarian,  non-pork and gluten-free options
  • Submit receipts to treasurer for reimbursement
  • Greet members and guests, welcome all to share in food


Member Outreach Coordinator

  • Contact members by telephone for health and welfare checks, reminders, opportunities or other reasons at the direction of the Communication Chair


Roster Manager

The Roster Manager reports to the Membership Chair. The Roster Manager updates and maintains contact information, join date and expiration date in the LWVMN database and the LWVUS database. The Roster Manager also maintains a current membership roster (name, phone, email and address) and has Webmaster upload to Website.


Upper Mississippi River Region ILO (UMRR) Delegate

  • Attends Annual Meetings of UMRR
  • Submit UMRR articles for The Voter
  • Lead a membership meeting on UMRR topics when requested 



  • Update and maintain LWV ABC webpage
  • Provide member access to member’s only webpage
  • Troubleshoot with webpage platform
  • Maintain records related to webpage platform, domain name and PayPal