LWVNC Looks to Intervene in Lawsuit Designed to Purge Eligible Voters from the Rolls

LWVNC Looks to Intervene in Lawsuit Designed to Purge Eligible Voters from the Rolls

people holding up  voting rights signs at march
The League of Women Voters of North Carolina continues its commitment to free and fair elections with a filing to intervene in a lawsuit brought by Republicans designed to purge eligible voters from the voter rolls in 40 NC counties.

Jo Nicholas, the president of LWVNC, called this latest lawsuit impacting dozens of NC counties “outrageous.” “It is outrageous that people want to do as much as they can to discourage voting in North Carolina. We will continue our fight for the voting rights of the people of North Carolina as long as we have to.” 

Accurate voter rolls are an essential part of North Carolina’s election security, and the state already has processes in place to remove ineligible voters. In addition to periodically updating voter rolls to account for deaths, changes of address, and ineligibility due to felony convictions, North Carolina has also removed more than 570,000 names in 2019 and almost 400,000 more in 2021 as part of its biennial list maintenance process.

Please share this information with fellow LWVNC members and with the public as you see fit. LWVNC will always oppose any attempt to make it harder for people in North Carolina to vote.
To learn more about the Green v. Bell case, view the full press release here
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