All Connecticut Articles

picture of Patricia Rossi, Peggy Lampkin, Susan Bysiewicz, and Joanne Moore
Blog Post

Pictured above (l-r): Patricia Rossi, Peggy Lampkin M.D., Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz, and Joanne Moore

CT Mirror Legislative Guide 2025
Blog Post

Access Connecticut Mirror's nonpartisan guide to learn all you need to know about Connecticut's 2025 legislative session from January 8 to June 4. Find out who is new to the legislature, who represents you, how laws are adopted, how the budget process works, and much more.

Public Statement

Ahead of the Appropriations Committee hearing on Friday, February 14, 2025, the League of Women Voters of Connecticut urges Governor Lamont and the legislature to prioritize adequate funding to protect and expand voting access and implement the Connecticut Voting Rights Act.

ACLU CT Immigrants' Rights Toolkit Banner image
Blog Post

Regardless of immigration status, we all have guaranteed rights under the United States Constitution. What you can do today: learn more about immigrants' rights and share these important resources with your community.

One Person One Vote IG Carousel 1
Blog Post

The process known as the Electoral College is at the center of a lot of debate and confusion since it does not guarantee that the candidate with the most votes nationwide will win the presidency. To level the the playing field, the League of Women Voters is promoting the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC). Good news: Connecticut is already part of the Compact. Bad news: That could change this year.

LWVUS Blog Post image for Why We Will Remain the League of WOMEN Voters
Blog Post

From our nation’s founding until 1920, women were generally shunned from American politics and virtually invisible in our democracy. Laws and policies ensured that we were largely not seen and not heard. The founding of the League of Women Voters, by the very suffragists who fought for the passage of the 19th Amendment, is an important part of women’s history in this nation – and that history should never be erased.

ERA Equal rights Amendment LWV
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters has been a steadfast advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), and is committed to continuing this fight until equal rights is enshrined in the United States Constitution. Although the required 38 states have ratified the ERA, it has not yet been published in the US Constitution, thanks to an arbitrary time limit imposed by Congress in the 1970s. Read this update to understand the status of the ERA as of January 9, 2025, as well as the conflicting views about how to finally get it published.

Accessibility options for CT Voters Banner
Blog Post

Connecticut has plenty of options to ensure that all voters can cast their ballots. Whether you can make it to the polls or not, we want to empower you to exercise your right to vote! Find out more about accessibility options to fit your needs.

Press Mention

HARTFORD, CT – State officials, elected leaders, and union representatives gathered Thursday to urge voters to approve a ballot measure this November that would take the first steps toward passing a constitutional amendment to allow no-excuse absentee ballot voting for all residents. The measure, which is a constitutional amendment, would authorize the state legislature to introduce a law for no-excuse absentee voting, thereby allowing any voter to request a mail-in ballot. Voters will choose “Yes” to support the constitutional amendment, and “No” to oppose it.

VOTE411 Main Webpage screenshot
Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of Connecticut announced that all Connecticut races for state and federal legislative offices have been published on, the League’s one-stop-shop for nonpartisan election-related information. Voters will notice something new this year: a campaign finance feature providing voters with insights into the financial backers of federal candidates ahead of the 2024 elections.
