Fair Maps Public Telling

Fair Maps Public Telling

Fair Maps Public Telling event graphic
Monday, October 9, 2023 - 10:00am

Public Telling

Join us at the Capitol on Oct. 9 as we make our voices heard and let our Legislators know we deserve fair maps! The Fair Maps Coalition, the League and our partners have long-advocated for an independent, nonpartisan process that moves redistricting outside the hands of the partisan Legislature.

We need your support to stop this bill and ask our legislators to instead support a nonpartisan process that protects the will of the voters. Come to show your support! 


Where: Wisconsin State Capitol, room 412 East 

When: 10 a.m. to noon on Monday, October 9th

Who: Hear testimony from Katie Fahey Exec. Director of The People, voting-rights leaders, and Wisconsinites ready to make their voices heard. 

Have questions? Contact Iuscely at iuscely [at] fairmapswi.com ()

Can't make it? You can still help spread the word by sharing the event on Facebook