Feb. 11, 2024 – Today, The News & Observer and The Charlotte Observer published an op-ed from LWVNC President Jennifer McMillan Rubin offering an overview of North Carolina's election law changes.
Read it in full:
N&O Link
Charlotte Observer Link
Yahoo News Link
An excerpt:
"It’s election season. Time to make your voice heard. This year, however, it’s important to know how to comply with new voting procedures that will affect how you cast your ballot. Changes that were legislated last year may cause some confusion. But knowing how to navigate this new landscape will make it easier to exercise your right to vote. And to make sure your vote counts. First and foremost — you must have an acceptable photo ID. And you need to bring it with you to your polling place. Acceptable IDs include a North Carolina driver’s license, passport, ID issued by the Division of Motor Vehicles and certain college IDs. You may view a list of acceptable IDs on the N.C. Board of Elections website. Free IDs are available at county Board of Elections offices and at state Division of Motor Vehicles offices. Importantly, if a voter does not have an acceptable ID, they may fill out an ID Exception Form and continue to vote."
Rubin concludes by talking about how the League of Women Voters will mobilize our 2,000 members across the state to help register voters and inform them of the processes of voting. We provide non-partisan voting information through VOTE411.org, generating sample ballots and other useful information tailored to the person’s address.
Can you chip in to support the League as we work in the coming months to equip voters with essential information about the election process? Every dollar matters – you can give online or mail a check to League of Women Voters, 3509 Haworth Dr., Suite 206, Raleigh, NC 27609.
Thank you for supporting the League in our mission to empower voters and defend democracy!