VIDEOS: Understanding North Carolina's Elections

VIDEOS: Understanding North Carolina's Elections

understanding elections video cover

The League of Women Voters of North Carolina has released two new animated videos that walk voters through the election process, with particular attention paid to what's new in 2024. 

Part 1 covers election changes and safeguards in place for 2024, including ID requirements, absentee ballot signature requirements, measures to prevent double voting, ballot tracking, and more.


Part 2 covers the canvass process, hand-to-eye recounts, election security, and more. Your next step should be making a voting plan, keeping in mind key dates when it comes to the fall 2024 election. – the League's non-partisan voter guide – can be a tremendous resource as you make your plan.


The League is here to answer your voting questions. Reach out to votingquestions [at] for assistance. 


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VOTE411 and Voter Services
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North Carolina