The League of Women Voters of Washington State Stands in Opposition to Three Voter Initiatives.
Seattle—The League of Women Voters of Washington announces its opposition to three initiatives that will appear on the November ballot.
"Our stance against these initiatives is a reflection of the League’s firm commitment to equitable education funding, climate resilience, and accessible long-term care,” said Mary Coltrane, president of the League of Women Voters of Washington. “We’re safeguarding our state's future with each vote against these regressive measures.”
At its April Board meeting, the Directors voted to contest these proposals for the following reasons, based on League positions adopted by member consensus following studies of the issues.
Initiative 2109, Repeal Capital Gains Tax, if passed, would terminate a significant source of income for education and school construction that is generated from the state’s wealthiest individuals. Collections to date have exceeded nearly $1 billion in 2023 from only 3,895 taxpayers. This tax not only supports the state’s mandate to amply fund education but also shifts the balance in the state’s revenue structure toward equity from the most regressive tax structure in the US.
The League of Women Voters’ positions on this issue are that the state has the responsibility for amply funding education and that action to obtain a balanced tax structure that is fair, adequate, flexible, and has a sound economic effect is needed.
Initiative 2117, Prohibiting all state agencies, counties, and cities from implementing any type of carbon tax credit trading [Repeal the Climate Commitment Act (CCA)], if passed, would prevent the state from achieving the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set in 2020, which are necessary to deter further climate change impacts. The state would lose a significant funding source for implementing programs to correct past environmental damage and injustice resulting from lack of scientific perspective, short-sighted or poor policy creation and implementation, and unintended consequences. The funds available through the CCA support clean transportation, clean buildings, clean energy development, siting and transmission, environmental justice measures, and more.
The League of Women Voters recognizes that climate change poses a significant threat to both our nation and the planet as a whole. We stand in solidarity with efforts to establish pricing mechanisms for carbon emissions, be it through cap-and-trade systems, carbon taxes, or other effective methods. Additionally, we advocate for meeting the state's short-term energy needs through the implementation of a robust conservation program. This program should be inclusive of all energy users and enforced if necessary to achieve energy-saving objectives. Moreover, we emphasize the importance of employing positive conservation strategies, including tax incentives and support for energy-saving initiatives. Encouraging the adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, along with the recovery of energy from waste, is paramount.
Initiative 2124, Opting out of Long-Term Services Insurance Program, threatens to jeopardize the state's groundbreaking mandatory long-term care benefit which guarantees access to vital long-term care and home health care services for all employed individuals in Washington. This benefit is sustained by contributions from employees over time, serving as a crucial safety net for the 70% of the population who will inevitably require long-term care at some stage. However, rendering this fund optional would jeopardize coverage for those in need and likely lead to its financial collapse, rendering it ineffective for those who do contribute to the fund.
The League of Women Voters advocates for universal access to essential healthcare, including long-term care, for all residents of the United States. We support comprehensive reform of the healthcare system to ensure that everyone can access a comprehensive, uniform, and affordable range of services. Additionally, we support programs and policies aimed at poverty reduction, promoting self-sufficiency for individuals and families. At present, only people of means can afford long-term care insurance.
“The League’s opposition to these initiatives reflects our unwavering commitment to advocating for policies that promote equity, sustainability, and social justice across Washington state,” stated LWVWA President Mary Coltrane.
The League of Women Voters of Washington is a nonpartisan political organization. We encourage the informed and active participation of citizens in government. The League acts in support of, or in opposition to, selected governmental issues that its members have studied. It does not support or oppose candidates or political parties.