All Wisconsin Articles

text reading: " 2021-2022 Spring Elections Post-Election Report" with photo of two election workers and two voters

MADISON, WI- LWVWI published its 2021-2022 Spring Elections Post-Election Report with information and recommendations to inform future Get Out The Vote (GOTV) and advocacy efforts to increase turnout in spring elections. 

High Turnout in Wisconsin
Public Statement

League of Women Voters of Wisconsin Celebrates High Turnout, Voter Registration

Text reading "The Midterms: What's on the Ballot? The State Legislature"

What's on the Ballot? The State Legislature

Text reading "The Midterms: What's on the Ballot? Secretary of State"

The Midterms: What’s on the Ballot? The Secretary of State

Text reading "The Midterms: What's on the Ballot? The State Treasurer"

The Midterms: What’s on the Ballot? The State Treasurer

Text reading "The Midterms: What's on the Ballot? The State Attorney General"

What's on the Ballot? The State Attorney General

Text reading "The Midterms: What's on the Ballot? The Clerk of Circuit Court"

The Midterms: What’s on the Ballot?

Text reading "The Midterms: What's on the Ballot? County Sheriff"

The Midterms: What’s on the Ballot? County Sheriff

Text reading "Strengthening Our Courts: Recusal and Limiting Campaign Cash" on top of photo of cash
Blog Post

Strengthening Our Courts: Recusal and Limiting Campaign Cash
