All Wisconsin Articles

Text reading "Strengthening Our Courts: Recusal and Limiting Campaign Cash" on top of photo of cash
Blog Post

Strengthening Our Courts: Recusal and Limiting Campaign Cash

Photo of a voter using accessible voting equipment. Text reading "Disability Voting Rights Week: Accessible Voting Equipment for Everyone" with LWVWI and WCBVI logos.
Public Statement

Disability Voting Rights Week: Accessible Voting Equipment For Everyone

Text reading "LWVWI Statement: Decision on Prohibiting Witness Certificate Corrections" with LWVWI logo at the bottom
Public Statement

LWVWI Statement: Decision on Prohibiting Witness Certificate Corrections

Graphic that reads "Strengthening Wisconsin's Courts" with the name of the blog title "Judicial Selection" laid atop a photo of a gavel
Blog Post

Strengthening Our Courts: Judicial Selection

Text that reads "Absentee Ballot Return Assistance Confirmed for Voters with Disabilities" over purple background
Public Statement

Statement from LWVWI: Absentee Ballot Return Assistance Confirmed for Voters with Disabilities

September is Hispanic Heritage Month with colorful background and floral graphics
Learn about Hispanic Heritage month: 
"Strengthening Wisconsin's Courts" graphic
Blog Post


National Civility Month graphic
Blog Post

People being civil to other people is the key focus of National Civility Month. This holiday is to help us remember to treat others with kindness and empahty.

Find some resources below: 

Support democracy. Power the polls. Sign up now at
Blog Post

In 2020, America faced a record shortage of poll workers, and over 700,000 people stepped up via Power the Polls to help meet that challenge. That was just the beginning.
