LWV APPLETON spent the past year viewing their League’s work under a DEI lens with input from a newly formed Diversity Advisory Committee. The Committee is comprised of the City of Appleton Diversity Coordinator, League members and a diverse selection of community leaders. The group meets monthly to discuss ways LWV Appleton can expand its diversity efforts, both internally and externally. For example, a Diversity Advisory Committee member suggested the League develop a tiered membership fee structure, which they plan to pilot this Fall. The tiered system incorporates three equal levels of membership: Sponsoring Member Fee, Regular Member Fee and Open-door Member Fee. The carefully worded level descriptions preclude any prospective member from having to self-identify as in need of assistance. Diversity Advisory Committee discussions also impacted programming choices such as “A Womanist - Not a Feminist,” “Separating Families at the Southern Border,” “Stereotypes and Barriers to Democracy,” and an upcoming program on “Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.” Overall, diversity considerations are more readily identified and acted upon when representative community members and League members regularly meet to broaden common ground. Measurable results have been increased event attendance, membership interest, and partnering requests.