LWV Appleton: Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

LWV Appleton: Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration


Virtual Event
Monday, October 19, 2020 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana
Hispanic Heritage Celebration Month

Los términos Hispanos o Latinos designan al grupo étnico minoritario más grande de los Estados Unidos, cubriendo muchas culturas y pueblos. En Estados Unidos la raza importa porque nuestras estructuras sociales han hecho que sea importante a lo largo de la historia, en sus leyes, políticas y acciones. Acompáñenos para aprender de la Justicia Social y Climática entre los hispanos en Wisconsin. 

The terms Hispanic or Latino both designate the largest ethnic minority group in the US, covering many cultures and peoples. In the US race matters because our social structures make it matter throughout US history, its policies, and actions. Join us in understanding Social and Climate Justice among Hispanics in Wisconsin.

At the event, attendees will:

  • Learn about the social realities of Hispanics in our area from Norys Piña, one of the most active Latina advocates in the Fox Valley 
  • Learn about the impact of Climate Change among Vulnerable Hispanics
  • Be encouraged to think deeply about our role in all of this

This program results from the collaboration of Ligia Rivera of LWV Appleton with Kimberly-Clark’s LAND (Latin American Network for Diversity) representatives Maria Lopez-Garcia, Britt Wells, Tammy O'Keffe and Leah Wiesner.  

Register for this event here. Please share this invitation with others as LWV Appleton is looking for a community conversation. 

For a list of all LWV Appleton 2020 - 2021 programs, click here.