Wisconsin's Energy Infrastructure

Wisconsin's Energy Infrastructure

Graphic for Wisconsin's Energy Infrastructure

Wisconsin’s Energy Infrastructure Category grade of B is “adequate for now.”

In May of 2021, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin held a category meeting on the energy infrastructure in Wisconsin. The League and guests were joined by Gregory Schoeder, P.E., the lead author of the Energy Category in the American Society of Civil Engineers - WI Section 2020 Infrastructure Report Card.

The following panelists also gave brief remarks and engaged in a Q&A discussion with attendees:

  • Martin Day, Administrator, Division of Energy Regulation & Analysis, Wisconsin Public Service Commission
  • Thomas Content, Executive Director, Citizens Utility Board (CUB)
  • Michael Vickerman, Policy Director, Renew Wisconsin
  • Gregory Levesque, Director, Corporate Communications, Policy & Strategy, American Transmission Company

The program was recorded and is available to view below. Learn more about the League's series on infrastructure here.