Wheaton, Illinois

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Defend Democracy Drop In

Afternoon and evening sessions available starting in September.

Please note the hour for Tuesday, August 13 is 11:00 AM at the Glen Ellyn Library.

NVRD 2022, 1 in 4 people aren't registered to vote or aren't sure

Register to Vote Now!

Make sure you can vote in the Election!

Register to Vote
Newly Registered High School Students

Newly Registered Voters - High School Students

The League works hard to register high school students as soon as they are old enough to vote. Here are some with their teachers.

LWV Wheaton Board 2024-25 Slide

Board Members

The League of Voters of Wheaton Board 2024-25

More Board Member Information
Registering voters at Naturalization Ceremony

LWV Wheaton registers voters at naturalization ceremony

LWV Wheaton was honored and happy to be at a naturalization ceremony at Cantigny Park. The League helped welcome a new group of citizens and was on hand to register new voters!

Wheaton, Illinois

Including Carol Stream, Warrenville,

West Chicago, Wheaton, and Winfield 


Make Democracy Work

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major political policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The LWV is non-partisan and neither supports nor opposes candidates for elected office but does act on issues after member study and consensus.

LWV Wheaton Video ThumbnailPlease watch our video to learn more about what the League of Women Voters does. See how you can get involved. 
You may help support us by becoming a member or making a donation. Your support allows us to continue to make democracy work!Want to learn more? membership [at] wheatonlwvil.org (subject: Question%20about%20Membership) (Email us) or sign up to receive information about League events or election reminders:

Countdown to the General Election

Are you a new voter or haven't voted for a while? This video from the Glen Ellyn LWV walks you through the secure voting process in DuPage County. If you need to register to vote, there is a link to a "how to" video at the end of this video. To learn more about how to vote, click on the black "Watch on YouTube" button and then click "More" in the text.

Thanks for watching and remember, Your Vote is Your Voice!

Be an Informed Voter - Attend Voter Forums


Upcoming Events and News

Mis/Dis Information Task Force Thumbnail

Misinformation and Disinformation are eroding our democracy. Erroneous information can go viral quickly, with devastating consequences for voters, political candidates, and the public. Learn how to protect yourself.

Voter Registration at Glenbard North High School

The Wheaton League of Women Voters kicked off National Voter Registration Week at Glenbard North High School, registering students and learning more about the issues they care about.

Judicial Forum - Glen Ellyn
On September 4, 2024, the LWV Elmhurst and the LWV Glen Ellyn co-hosted a judicial forum with the Honorable Bonnie Wheaton and the Retired Honorable Thomas C. Dudgeon.
Maury Goodman - First President of Wheaton LWV
Press Mention

The Wheaton League of Women Voters released a press release celebrating its first male president, Maury Goodman. The Daily Herald published the article which is available to subscribers. Read the press release.

Women Build Panel: Building Your Legacy
Event Date: 
Sep 19 2024 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Wentz Hall, North Central College

Have you ever thought about what you’ll leave behind? What about all the little moments throughout your life that get you where you’re going?

Nobody's Fool - Why We Get Taken In and What We Can Do About It
Event Date: 
Sep 19 2024 07:00 pm
Event location: 


We're all susceptible to misinformation, often spreading it unknowingly. While stopping it entirely is impossible, we can learn how deception works, recognize the signs, and empower ourselves.

Event Date: 
Sep 26 2024 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Warrenville City Council Chambers or Zoom

Winfield and Wayne Townships will have referenda in November on establishing 708 Mental Health Boards. These were put on the ballot by citizen petition. An information session will be held to educate voters. You can attend in-person or on Zoom. Be sure to register.

St. James Farm
Event Date: 
Sep 28 2024 02:30 pm
Event location: 

St. James Farm

We are meeting at St. James Farm Forest Preserve (by the horse statue) to walk the trails for about an hour, starting at 2:30 PM. Get some fresh air and talk about issues you care about!

Event Date: 
Oct 03 2024 05:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Event location: 

Wheaton City Hall

The Wheaton League of Women Voters is hosting a forum for Congressional District 3 & the Countywide Candidates.


Board Meeting Icon
Event Date: 
Oct 03 2024 07:00 pm
Event location: 


Board members' monthly meeting.

Event Date: 
Oct 10 2024 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Event location: 


Join the Leagues of Women Voters of Illinois and Wisconsin for an informative and inspiring evening with Demetrius Fisher, Southeast Region Organizing Director of LWVUS.

Defend Democracy Drop In
Event Date: 
Oct 16 2024 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Event location: 

Wheaton Public Library

Make your voice heard! Take action on issues you care about like defending democracy by spending an hour every month learning how to take action. This meeting we will learn about the College of DuPage from COD Trustee Flo Appel.