Membership/Renewal Information Form

Membership/Renewal Information Form

Membership in the League of Women Voters, one of the most respected and effective grassroots organizations in the country, is open to men and women of all ages. Voting membership is open to those 16 years and older.

When you join the League of Women Voters Hingham, you join a regional group from Hingham, Cohasset and Hull and automatically become a member of LWV Massachusetts and LWV of the United States. You will receive their publications along with the LWV Hingham Voter newsletter which is distributed quarterly via email. As a member, you are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC and the Virgin Islands.

You may join/renew online and pay with a credit card by clicking hereTo pay by check:

Please complete the information below. 

New and Returning Members are requested to update all information. You will receive an email confirmation. 

LWV Memberships are a pay-what-you-can option. Individuals are encouraged to pay a standard rate of $75 which will be distributed to LWV Hingham, LWV MA and LWV US. Please contact membership chair Mary Howarth at tenormary [at] gmail.comKatecboland [at] (

Please consider making a contribution to the LWV Hingham as dues do not cover all initiatives such as "I Voted Today" stickers, voter registration events, voter education programs, Member Forums, and Candidates Night.

Dues are not tax deductible. 

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For payment by:

  • Check

    • Make payable to LWVUS
    • Print a copy of your membership email confirmation or this form
    • Mail the check and email confirmation/form to:

LWV Hingham Membership
c/o Mary Howarth
205 Linden Ponds Way,  Apt 425
Hingham, MA 02043


Thank you for supporting LWV Hingham!