The Annual Membership Meeting is when the membership of LWV ABC elects leaders; adopts a budget; approves LWV ABC policy and positions; and provides direction for LWV ABC for the upcoming year. It is typically held in April of each year.
The Annual Membership Meeting has several basic responsibilities:
- Elect officers, directors, a nominating committee chair and a nominating committee member
- Adopt a budget after the president and treasurer report on the activities and financial condition of LWV ABC
- Review and amend, if needed, the Membership Dues Policy
- Review and amend, if needed, the LWV ABC Nonpartisan Policy
- Review and amend, if needed, the LWV ABC bylaws
- Review and affirm, amend or drop the LWV ABC policy positions
- Adopt an action agenda for the coming year
The Annual Membership Meeting is also a time for members to:
- Re-acquaint with members and welcome new members
- Recognize individual and group efforts including Zilla Way Award
- Volunteer for future LWV ABC activities
See LWV ABC Bylaws Article VI