Our League's mission includes educating members on town, state, and national public policy and governance issues; facilitating events at which members can meet with elected and appointed officials; and hosting social occasions at which members can become better acquainted and share views. Member Meetings are held in members' homes; attendance is limited to members and their invited guests. The League also sponsors events, such as Candidates Night and Warrant Review, which are public forums held at Hingham Town Hall or other public spaces and are advertised as open to the public.
How Member Meetings Are Organized
Topics for Member Meetings are chosen based on member interests. The Steering Committee identifies speakers who are knowledgeable on the topic and schedules a date. Speakers receive information about meeting format, such as time limits and opportunities for questions and answers. Speakers may bring handouts or offer Power Point presentations and can expect to be received respectfully by those in attendance. Refreshments are usually served and attendees are invited to linger and socialize after the program. In case of sickness or inclement weather, speakers may be rescheduled. One or more League members takes notes for posting on the League website or publication in the League newsletter. These meetings are not open to the press. The Steering Committee welcomes member feedback on choice of topics and program quality.
The League encourages members to invite guests, especially those who have expressed interest in joining the League. Since member meetings are held in private homes, which might have limited space or parking, members are accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis. If space remains, guests will be accommodated on a similar basis.
Invitations to Member Meetings are sent only to our membership and are not to be forwarded to non-members. Members are expected to accompany their guests to Member Meetings. Prompt response is needed for planning purposes as is notice of last-minute cancellation.
League Nonpartisan Policy
Member Meetings are intended to be educational and informative. Speakers are invited to provide an overview of the issues. Hosting a speaker does not imply League agreement with or support of a speaker's position on an issue. The League is non-partisan and only takes a stand on issues which members have studied and on which they have reached consensus.