Thursday, May 2, 2024
7:00 PM
Memorial Middle School Auditorium
HullTV recorded the event for the HullTV channel and the Video Recording is availble online at https://hulltv.net/show/hull-candidate-night-2024/.
The League of Women Voters for Hull, named the LWV of Hingham, hosted its annual forum for the candidates for local office in Hull. The League of Women Voters of Hingham is a non-partisan political organization that encourages citizens to take an informed and active role in government. The moderator, Mary B. O'Connor, is a LWV Cape Cod Area member trained for LWV Candidate Nights.
Hull Candidates Night Chair, Kim Kingston, introduced moderator Mary B. O’Connor of the LWV of the Cape Cod Area. Questions were posed to 2 of the 3 Light Board candidates (incumbent Stephanie Landry, and Mark Kohn; DJ Simon was unable to attend) and the 2 candidates for the 1-year term for Trustees of Public Library, Corey Fitz-Marquez and Alice Sloan. There is a contested race for Planning Board. However, one candidate, Ed Parsons, was not able to attend. League Candidate Forum rules state that candidates must be presented equally, and as both candidates did not submit written statements, there was no presentation for the Planning Board.
Uncontested candidates gave statements: Incumbent candidate for Select Board Greg Grey, incumbent candidate for Redevelopment Authority Dennis Zaia, and incumbent candidate for School Committee were present. Moderator O’Connor read statements submitted by incumbent candidate for Board of Library Trustees Curt Miller, and candidate for Housing Authority Michael Sampson.