All Wisconsin Articles

Graphic with text, "League in the Spotlight" with a photo of a member leading a virtual program
Member's Spotlight

LWV Dane County Pivots to Virtual Forums


[MADISON, Wis.] – Despite the heroic efforts of municipal clerks preparing and mailing out an unprecedented number of absentee ballots in Wisconsin’s April 7 election (more than 1.2 million ballot requests were made), the system ex

VOTE411 Election Information You Need

[MADISON, Wis.] - To provide Wisconsin voters with essential information about the upcoming Partisan Primary on August 11, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin (LWVWI) has published our fall voter guide on

Member's Spotlight

Photo of Meleesa Johnson

Member's Spotlight
Member's Spotlight



voting in the time of coronavirus

(MADISON, Wis.) – Wisconsin voters encountered widespread confusion and numerous obstacles to voting during April’s statewide elections, a report issued today by Wisc

Protect Our Vote Virtual Town Hall video still

PROTECT OUR VOTE VIRTUAL TOWN HALL. The Declaration for American Democracy and our over 150 member organizations are kicking off the Protect Our Vote virtual town hall series. Right now, our Democracy is under threat.


The op-ed linked below ran in The Hill from Healing Our Waters – Great Lakes Coalition director Laura Rubin.


MADISON – A coalition of voting rights, civil rights, and other advocacy groups called for a series of changes to preserve voting rights and protect public health amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 
