All Wisconsin Articles

centennial image
Member's Spotlight
“Every Woman an Intelligent Voter”
Meet the First President of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin


100 Years Strong - The League of Women Voters

Plain Talk: Celebrate 100 years of fighting for voting rights with the League of Women Voters

League is a voice of reason in the Wisconsin State Capitol

Why We Need Medicaid Expansion and Why Opponents Are Wrong

By Andrea Kaminski, LWVWI Legislative Coordinator

Public Statement

The League of Women Voters commemorates Wisconsin’s 100th Anniversary to be the First to Ratify the 19th Amendment with June 23, 2019 event


WI Supreme Court

Constitutional boundaries need enforcement

By Erin Grunze

League in the Spotlight Beloit
Member's Spotlight

LWV BELOIT recently held their Annual Meeting which included a riveting presentation on the criminal justice system in Wisconsin given jointly by the Presidents of the Beloit Justice Over

LWVWI logo
Public Statement

LWVWI Supports full Medicaid Expansion under BadgerCare

LWV logo

LWVWI Statement on Executive Budget Proposal SB59 AB56

Submitted: April 29, 2019

To: Joint Committee on Finance

LWVWI Election Impact 2018
Blog Post

Read on to learn more about how the League of Women Voters served Wisconsin voters in 2018.

Member's Spotlight

Women’s suffrage and temperance campaigns entwined in their fight for social change in late 19th century Wisconsin.
