All Volusia County Articles

Holiday Social

'Twas the season for our annual Holiday Social!  While we usually have a marvelous soiree at the Halifax River Yacht Club, this year we met up virtually via Zoom.

Mark Lane - Daytona News Journal

If you missed our recent general meeting, the video recording of Mark Lane's presentation on the recent election is now availailbe. As always, Mark's comments were insightful and engaging. 


Trent Tomengo

If you missed the moving program, From Knowing to Remembering, with Professor Trent Tomengo, you can now view the video recording.

Nicki at the Mail In Ballot Box

The Voter Service Team led by Carla Christianson, has been busy educating the public and working behind the scenes to ensure a safe, transparent and fair election.

Homeless man and child

During our September hot topic, a panel of homeless program directors discussed their experiences during the pandemic.  The three shelter programs, Hope Place, First Step and The Neighborhood Center serve different geographic areas and populations

ECHO Poster

On September 16, the LWVVC board voted unanimously to support the 2020 ECHO and Volusia Forever Ballot Referendums.

Post Card Pick UP

Over 30 members of LWVVC are participating in a postcard campaign to encourage returning citizens to register and vote.

Deland Library Display

The last in our series of library historical displays is now showing at the DeLand Public Library.


Voting for Judges is an important part of completing your ballot, and it can seem overwhelming!

Lisa Lewis

Lisa Lewis, Volusia County Supervisor of Elections, presented "Be Ready to Vote" recently, and you can now view the program online.
