LWV ABC in the News - 2022

LWV ABC in the News - 2022

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Local public access cable television also films and airs the LWV ABC Spotlight on Issues and the candidate forums we sponsor.   All video is also available on the  LWV ABC YouTube channel.



2022 LWV ABC in the News


Letter: Thank you county residents for participating in our democracy!

by Gretchen Sabel, LWV ABC President,  Dec 11, 2022,  ABC Newspapers,

The Nov. 29, 2022 Minnesota State Canvassing Board Certification shows 157,124 Anoka County residents had their voice heard by voting in the Nov. 8 General Election.  

Informed voters are powerful voters, and Anoka voters made an exceptional effort to be informed voters. Nearly 25,000 people viewed the 45 League of Women Voters, Anoka, Blaine Coon Rapids “Meet the Candidates” forums on YouTube and Facebook.  READ MORE



Letter:  Learn about candidates for early voting

 by Gretchen Sabel, President, LWV ABC President, Oct 2, 2022, ABC Newspapers

 It’s not too early to begin learning about the local candidates for November’s General Elections. Early voting by mail or in person began on Sept. 23 for the November 8 General Election.  READ MORE



League of Women Voters addresses controversy

by Ian Wreisner, Sep 30, 2022, ABC Newspapers

The Anoka City Council Chambers were packed on Monday afternoon (Sept. 26), which is not the typical venue for a City Council work session. City staff anticipated the large crowd and moved from the usual work session room in City Hall as the League of Women Voters’ candidate forums from Sept. 15 were on the agenda.

The issue was scheduled after a Sept. 19 Anoka City Council meeting during which several citizens voiced concern over the forums.The issue was scheduled after a Sept. 19 Anoka City Council meeting during which several citizens voiced concern over the forums. The closed taping was attended by several city commission members, leading to questions about open meeting laws. Several representatives from the League of Women Voters, and a crowd of Anoka citizens addressed the City Council during its Sept. 26 Work Session...READ MORE

Watch the September 26 Anoka City Council Work Meeting


2022 National Voter Registration Day

September 15, 2022

Produced by QCTV

Council Candidates Participate in Forum

September 15, 2022

Produced by CTN

League of Women Voters:  Get Registered to Vote

By League of Women Voters

The Life, Aug 26, 2022, and Press and News, Aug 25, 2022 (ABC Newspapers)

National Voter Registration Day is happenings again this year on Sept 20.  Since this event began 10 years ago nearly 5 mlllion eligible voters have been registered to vote.

Are you among the nearly 4 million U.S. citizens who turned 18 this year?...  PDF icon READ MORE



Candidates have their say at Heights forum

by Cynthia Sowden
Jul 27, 2022, The Northeaster

Mayoral and City Council Candidates

 The citizens of Columbia Heights are an engaged electorate, as evidenced by the 101 questions they submitted to the Anoka-Blaine-Coon Rapids chapter of the League of Women Voters prior to the July 18 candidate forum. The forum was streamed online; only the candidates and LWV moderator Kathy Tingelstad were in the City Council chambers. Responses have been edited for length...READ MORE 



Letter: Time to allow meaningful public input

By Gretchen Sabel, President, LWV ABC
 Jun 3, 2022, Anoka County Union Herald

"Recently, Anoka County’s Board of Commissioners adopted new commissioner districts in response to the 2020 census. It is unfortunate that there was not a process for public input into the redistricting map before it was developed. These districts will now stand for the next 10 years. While the county did allow comments on draft maps, this opportunity came at the end of the process, in the week before the final decision..." READ MORE



Study looks at accountability, transparency

by Shannon Granholm, Managing Editor
Mar 22, 2022, Quad Community Press
"The Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues of Women Voters (CMAL) recently released an 111-page report that dives into how transparent county governments are in the seven-county metro area. Although there are some similarities, there are certainly differences in how things are done from county to county, the report concludes... " READ MORE 




Opportunity for fresh look at commissioner districts in Anoka County?

by Gretchen Sabel, Letter to the Editor

Apr 14, 2022, ABC Newspapers and Apr 15, 2022 in The Life, Blaine, Spring Lake Park, Columbia Heights, Fridley 

"County redistricting is the next step following the new congressional, legislative and municipal maps that were drawn earlier this year following the release of 2020 census data. Deadline for completion is April 26. The Anoka County Board will have a special meeting on April 26 to announce their redistricting plan...." READ MORE