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Local public access cable television also films and airs the LWV ABC Spotlight on Issues and the candidate forums we sponsor. All video is also available on the LWV ABC YouTube channel.
2020 LWV ABC in the News
Presidential elector from Ham Lake shares experience
Jonathan Young, Dec 22, 2020, ABC Newspapers
“Four years ago, Ham Lake resident Mel Aanerud attended the meeting of Minnesota’s Electoral College members in St. Paul and watched them cast their votes for president.
When Aanerud attended as an elector this year, the experience felt very different.
'It was far more informal four years ago, far more controlled this time,” he said during a virtual presentation to the League of Women Voters ABC the evening of Dec. 14…” READ MORE
LWV ABC Information
Nov 2020, City of Fridley.LWV ABC President Gretchen and Bruce Pomerantz, Fridley resident and LWV ABC member, discuss what the League of Women Voters does.
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League of Women Voters ABC Now Conducting Virtual Forums
Paige Kieffer, Aug 26, 2020 Updated Sep 8, 2020, ABC Newspapers
"The League of Women Voters of Anoka, Blaine and Coon Rapids area are now conducting a series of virtual Meet the Candidates forums through mid-September.
In accordance with public health guidelines, this year’s forums are being video recorded without a live audience by local cable channels and then will be posted online to the League of Women Voters ABC’s website at lwvabcmn.org..." Read More
Candidate Forums Available Online
Jul 24, 2020 Updated Jul 31, 2020, ABC Newspapers
"As the Aug. 11 primary approaches, residents can learn more about candidates by watching forums hosted by the League of Women Voters of Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids Area.
Videos from a series of meet-the-candidates forums can be found at lwvabcmn.org. The videos are also broadcast on local cable channels..." Read More
Columbia Heights to Narrow Council Candidates to 4
by Cynthia Sowden, Jul 21, 2020, Northeaster, Minneapolis
"Seven people are running for two seats on Columbia Heights City Council. Come the August 11 primary, voters will narrow the field to four. The candidates met at City Hall July 14 for a forum broadcast over local cable channels and Facebook Live, due to COVID-19. The League of Women Voters presided over the forum. For brevity here, the questions are distilled to subjects..." READ MORE
Columbia Heights City Council Candidate Forum Set for July 14
Jul 10, 2020, ABC Newspapers
The city of Columbia Heights, in partnership with the League of Women Voters ABC, will host a “Meet the Candidates” forum Tuesday, July 14, for the seven candidates running in the Columbia Heights City Council primary Aug. 11: Connie Buesgens (incumbent), Laura Dorle, Kay “K.T.” Jacobs, Andy Newton, Scott Skaja, Robert “Bobby” Williams (incumbent) and Julienne Wyckoff. READ MORE
Work to Preserve Water Resources Continues
By Gretchen Sabel, Guest Columnist, Jun 23, 2020, ABC Newspapers
"This is part of a series of monthly columns by local water experts. These columns on local rivers and land use are a collaboration between the League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region and other environmental groups in Anoka County. Learn more about the league at lwvumrr.org.
Like most of Minnesota, Anoka County is blessed with extensive water resources. Our nation’s river, the mighty Mississippi, forms much of the southern border of Anoka County, stretching for more than 20 miles from Elk River to Minneapolis. The Rum River, starting at Lake Mille Lacs, passes through Anoka County before meeting the Mississippi at Anoka. Two regionally important watersheds transect the county from east to west — Coon Creek and Rice Creek — entering the Mississippi in Coon Rapids and Fridley, respectively..." READ MORE
For the Love of a River
Patrick Slack, Jun 18 2020, ABC Newspapers
"It’s a love story that took five years of writing and has been a lifetime in the making.
Ever since he was a kid growing up in the small river town of Morton in western Minnesota, Darby Nelson has held a deep love for the Minnesota River.
Now, the Anoka-Ramsey Community College biology professor emeritus has come out with a new book, “For Love of a River: The Minnesota,” which has been named a finalist in the Nature category of the 30th annual Midwest Book Awards by the Midwest Independent Publishers Association...." READ MORE
For Love of a River
June 2020, QCTV, Andover.LWV ABC members Geri and Darby Nelson discuss Darby's book "For Love of a River: The Minnesota", which is a finalist for a Midwest Book Award.
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We all need to complete the Census
By Pat Kennedy & Cindy Wetzell, LWV ABC Members, March 11, 2020, Letters to the Editor, Northeaster, Minneapolis
You will be receiving Census Information in the mail soon, and it's really important that each household respond.
The purpose of the Census is to count all people who live in the U.S. This count - conducted every ten years as required by the constitution - forms the basis for determining federal funding that comes to our area... READ MORE
Anoka County History: County Board's First Female Commissioners
By Anoka County Historical Society, Mar 3 2020, ABC Newspapers
"With Women's History Month upon us already, the Anoka County Historical Society would like to acknowledge several Anoka County women who have made an impact on our local history. Margaret Langfeld and Natalie Haas Steffen hold the honor of being the first two women elected to the County Board, 125 years after the county was established..." READ MORE
Legislators Sit Down With Voters in Ramsey
Connor Cummiskey, Staff Writer and Photographer, Jan 21 2020, ABC Newspapers
"Redistricting was a hot topic at every table during an informal discussion with local legislators in Ramsey last week.
Rep. Melissa Hortman’s, DFL-Brooklyn Park; Rep. Zack Stephenson, DFL-Coon Rapids; Sen. Jim Abeler, R-Anoka; and Sen. John Hoffman, DFL-Champlin, sat down with approximately 40 voters Jan. 9 at tables in Ramsey City Hall to conduct informal discussions..." READ MORE
Century of Suffrage Celebrated
Connor Cummiskey, Staff Writer and Photographer, Jan 17 2020, ABC Newspapers
"A traveling exhibit celebrating 100 years of women voting opened Jan. 13 in the Northtown Branch of the Anoka Library system.
Approximately 35 attended the ceremonial opening of the traveling exhibit called 'A Century of Civic Engagement.' During the evenings festivities ..." READ MORE
Anoka County Library: Votes for Women
By Lydia Potthoff of Anoka County Library, Jan 10, 2020, ABC Newspapers
"The Minnesota Legislature voted to approve the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 8, 1919. Less than a year later, the United States ratified the constitutional amendment guaranteeing the women's vote. While the 19th Amendment's ratification was the culmination of more than 70 years of struggle for women's suffrage in the United States, the work of the League of Women Voters Minnesota had just begun..." READ MORE
Women and Men Making Democracy Work
By Kathy Aanerud, Winter/Spring 2020, Anoka County Library Activity Guide, page 35
"In an historic vote on September 8, 1919, the Minnesota Legislature voted YES to ratify the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, granting women the right to vote and ending the 72-year struggle for women’s suffrage.
But as distinguished Minnesota suffragist Clara Ueland said that day, “Today is the commencement rather than the end of our work.”... " Read More