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2018 LWV ABC In the News
League of Women Voters ABC March Forward After Elections
By Sam Lenhart, Nov 9, 2018, ABC Newspapers,
"The League of Women Voters ABC (Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids) has been working hard to educate the community and prepare voters for important elections.
In 2018, the league held numerous voter forums in the metro including meetings in New Brighton, Columbia Heights and Fridley..." READ MORE
League of Women Voters Hosts Fridley Candidate Forum
By Sam Lenhart, Sep 10, 2018, ABC Newspapers
"The League of Women Voters hosted a forum at Fridley City Hall on Aug. 30 to give voters a chance to get to know the candidates.
The forum, attended by approximately 40 people, featured District 41A candidates Connie Bernardy (DFL) and Susan Erickson (R), District 4 Anoka County Commissioner candidates Sean Broom and Mandy Meisner, and Fridley City Council candidates Steve Eggert, Pam Reynolds, Tom Tillberry and Ann Bolkcom..." READ MORE
League of Women Voters ABC Announces Candidate Forums for Month of September
Sep 3, 2018, ABC Newspapers
"Voters can get an early start on learning about their local candidates for this fall’s election at a series of events hosted by the League of Women Voters ABC.
Absentee voting by mail or in person begins on Sept. 21..." READ MORE
Heights Mayoral Candidates State their Cases at Forum
by Cynthia Sowden, July 29, 2018, Northeaster, Minneapolis
"The Columbia Heights City Council chambers were stuffed and overflowing the evening of July 17 when four candidates for mayor shared their ideas with the public. One candidate, Jeff Harstad, was unable to attend, and Gary Peterson dropped out of the race. That left Connie Buesgens, Sean P. Clerkin, incumbent Donna Schmitt and Joseph Sturdevant to answer questions from the crowd..." Read More
Meet Anoka County Commissioner Hopefuls
by Margo Ashmore, Jul 18, 2018, Northeaster, Minneapolis
"After 32 years of service, Jim Kordiak will retire from the Anoka County Board; his father held the District 4 seat for 32 years before him. Four candidates are running in the August 14 primary to narrow the field to two for the November 6 election. Early, no-excuses-needed, voting is available now at city halls throughout the district during normal business hours..." Read More
League of Women Voters ABC Celebrates 80 Years
Apr 26, 2018 , ABC Newspapers
"The 80th annual meeting of the local League of Women Voters ABC (Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids area) was recently celebrated in Andover.
President Jeorgette Knoll welcomed members and visitors and noted the revived interest in civic engagement that has recently grown the organization to its current 78 members..." READ MORE