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Local public access cable television also films and airs the LWV ABC Spotlight on Issues and the candidate forums we sponsor. All video is also available on our YouTube channel.
Conversations with Gretchen
Dec 18 2019, NorthMetroTV, Blaine
Gretchen Sabel, president of League of Women Voters Anoka Blaine Coon Rapids, sits down to discuss the 100th anniversary of Women's Suffrage. LWV will have a traveling exhibit to celebrate the centennial at Anoka County Library.
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Finding Good: Transformative Circle
Dec 6 2019, CTN, Coon Rapids
"In this month's Finding Good, we learn more about Transformative Circle, a group of diverse people coming together to foster greater understanding and appreciation for our community, cultural differences and customs through intentional conversation."
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Transformative Circle Founder Recognized for Vision, Leadership
Emilee Wentland, Correspondent, Nov 13 2019, ABC Newspapers
"A Coon Rapids community member was recently honored for her leadership and support. The ABC chapter of the League of Women Voters recognized Lori Anderson for her vision, support and leadership in founding Transformative Circle with its "Friend of League" award... " READ MORE
City Employee Earns Award for Diversity Group Work
Oct 29 2019, CTN, Coon Rapids
"A City of Coon Rapids employee has been recognized for her work in the community off the clock. Last week, Lori Anderson was given the "Friend of the League" award from the ABC Chapter of the League of Women Voters. The award was given to Anderson in recognition for her work founding the group Transformative Circle, a non-profit that celebrates diversity in the community.
For the past three years, Transformative Circle has hosted a multi-cultural Night to Unite event in Coon Rapids. The Transformative Circle holds free dinner meetings on the first Thursday of each month from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Coon Rapids Civic Center."
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Candidates for Anoka-Hennepin School Board, Ramsey City Council Face Off
Connor Cummiskey, Staff Writer. Photo by Connor Cummiskey. Oct 14 2019, ABC Newspapers
"Candidates for the Anoka-Hennepin School Board and Ramsey City Council discussed a variety of topics at a candidate forum Oct. 2 at the Sandburg Education Center in Anoka.
During the forum, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, contenders for three seats on the Anoka-Hennepin School Board and one seat on the Ramsey City Council answered questions ...." READ MORE
LWV Hosts Forum on 2020 Census
Sep 13 2019, CTN, Coon Rapids
"Preparations are underway for the upcoming 2020 Census which is critical in determining our representation in Congress and the amount of federal funding our state and local governments receive.
On Monday evening, the local chapter of the League of Women Voters hosted a public forum to educate residents on the Census. League president Gretchen Sabel moderated the event which included a former state legislator and civil rights attorney. Andrew Virden from the state demographer's office laid out the scope of the 2020 Census and why it's important for everyone to participate. The forum included a panel discussion and they even took questions from the audience."
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Anoka County Board Deadlocks Over Top Job - Appointment of Board Chair Failed, No Hiring Process Set
By Peter Bodley, Contributing Writer, Mar 26 2019, ABC Newspapers
"The Anoka County Board failed to agree on hiring a new county administrator or the process for doing so March 26.
Current administrator Jerry Soma plans to retire May 1 following a career with Anoka County spanning more than 52 years. He's been county administrator since 2011.
The board considered two resolutions ..." READ MORE
Anoka County History: Historical Society Opens Exhibit Featuring League of Women Voters' 100th Anniversary
Rebecca Ebnet-Desens, Columnist, Jan 27 2019, ABC Newspapers
"To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the League of Women Voters and women winning the right to vote, the Anoka County Historical Society unveiled a new exhibit Jan. 19 at the History Center.The opening celebrated not only the centennial, but also the partnership between the League of Women Voters-Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids and ACHS, which produced the research, artifacts and fabrication of the display...." READ MORE
Collections Corner
Audra Hilse, Jan-Feb 2019, Anoka County Historical Society's History 21 magazine, Volume 49 No 1, pg 8-9,
"2019 begins a series of years with important centennial anniversaries for Anoka County organizations and businesses. We will be celebrating here at the History Center with the “We Are 100” exhibit series, beginning with the local chapter of the League of Women Voters." READ MORE