Fall Kickoff Focuses on Education Issues

Fall Kickoff Focuses on Education Issues


Seventy League members showed up at Stacy Park for our Fall Kickof on Sept. 25. The keynote speaker was Missouri Education Secretary Margie Vandeven (pictured with Maureen Clancy-May, Area Supervisor of Instruction for St. Louis). 

Nancy Thompson introduced the speaker, stressing the importance of an educated citizenry and all types of literacy. Vandeven's talk focused on the DESE mission: Providing Access to Opportunity. She went through four pillars:

1. Early Learning & Early Literacy,
2. Success Ready and Workforce Development,
3. Safe & Healthy Schools, and
4. Great Teachers and Leader.

A video is posted on the Members-Only section of this website. For directions, members can call the office at 314-961-6869 or send an email to league [at] lwvstl.org.

Clancy-May distributed a handout with data from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.


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