2021-22 Effective, Accountable Government Advocacy

2021-22 Effective, Accountable Government Advocacy

2021-22 Legislative Advocacy

The League remains focused most intensively on its Making Democracy Work (MDW) campaign: voting and elections, redistricting, and opposition to constitutional convention resolutions. The League, as always, will attempt to advocate on all bills falling within our areas of interest as defined in state and national policies. Follow our latest Making Democracy Work (MDW) Network Updates to organizations that share our interests. 

Reference: LWVSC Effective, Accountable Government Positions/Issues

LWVSC 2021-22 Bills of Interest

PDF icon LWVSC Bills of Interest 2021-2022 v.2.13.2022

Some of the bills of potential interest at present include the following: 

Federal Constitutional Conventions

Bills pre-filed in 2021 would require a federal constitutional convention under Article V of the Constitution in order to mandate a balanced budget (S. 141) and in other cases also require term limits in Congress and greatly restrict the powers of the federal government (H.3205, S.133, S.33). The League strongly opposes all of these. Our rationale is explained in Resolutions: Opposition to Federal Constitutional Conventions .

2022 Update: 

The League opposes H. 3205 and its accompanying bill, S. 887. The League supports the call of a convention under Article V of the U. S. Constitution only under specific conditions [Appendix 1], conditions that are not met in this resolution. 



S. 174 would require disclosure of donors and expenditures from those attempting to influence elections. The League supports this bill. 
S. 187 would establish requirements for campaign accounts and generate funding to enable the SEC to better monitor campaign spending. The League supports this bill.

3/16/2021 Senate Testimony: S.187 Campaign Spending.