2025-26 Electoral Democracy Advocacy

2025-26 Electoral Democracy Advocacy


2025-26 Legislative Advocacy

The LWVSC Board of Directors determines statewide legislative priorities grounded in the good governance issues that are at the heart of the League of Women Voters. 

The League remains focused intensively on its Making Democracy Work (MDW) campaign: voting and elections, redistricting, and opposition to constitutional convention resolutions. The League, as always, will attempt to advocate on all bills falling within our areas of interest as defined in state and national policies. Follow our latest Making Democracy Work (MDW) Network Updates to organizations that share our interests. 

Related LWVSC Electoral Democracy Positions/Issues 

LWVSC Bills of Interest

2025-26 LWVSC Bills of Interest

Elections and Voting

Establishment of Polling Places
The League supports making the establishment of polling places a county board, not General Assembly, function. We recommend the addition of a specific time for voters to be notified of transfers.
Municipal Elections 
The League of Women Voters supports the proposed changes in municipal election law: standardized dates, municipal authority to transfer election administration to the county, and the requirement that the county accept the responsibility.  

PDF icon 1/21/205 Senate Subcommittee Testimony: S.37 Municipal Elections 

Special Elections 
The League supports needed scheduling consistency, which should also allow greater efficiency in the event of multiple elections within a jurisdiction. 
3rd Party Voter Registration
The problems that third-party voter registration provisions of this bill are intended to address are rare among citizen groups and the potential negative consequences of the bill are many. H.3459 should not be forwarded with a positive recommendation.