Early in 2022, LWVSC received a bequest of $10,000 from the estate of long-time League member Sarah Leverette, a prominent attorney and League activist at the State House. To honor Sarah and to provide for our League’s future, our state board decided then to designate these funds for the eventual establishment of LWVSC Action, a 501(c)(4) organization that would allow us to support our direct lobbying efforts at the State House without any IRS monetary limits.
That future time has arrived. In January 2023, we obtained an EIN from the IRS, convened the first meeting of the LWVSC Action board, which approved its bylaws, and opened a bank account.
Combined with other funds that we restricted before LWVSC became a 501(c)(3) organization, LWVSC Action has a little over $31,000 in its account. So far, we’ve paid our lobbyist registration fees and purchased a laptop for use by our legislative interns out of this account.
Our main interest at this point is in building this fund so that when the time comes that our long-time volunteer lobbyist chooses to retire, we will have at least $60,000 reserved to pay a part-time lobbyist for at least the first two years.