LWVSC Action, 501(c)(4)

LWVSC Action, 501(c)(4)

LWVSC Action\
LWVSC Action, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government and advocates for legislation and other activities related to democratic, accountable, and transparent government that are consistent with the League of Women Voters of the US (LWVUS) and LWVSC policy positions.


Early in 2022, LWVSC received a bequest of $10,000 from the estate of long-time League member Sarah Leverette, a prominent attorney and League activist at the State House.  To honor Sarah and to provide for our League’s future, our state board decided then to designate these funds for the eventual establishment of LWVSC Action, a 501(c)(4) organization that would allow us to support our direct lobbying efforts at the State House without any IRS monetary limits.

That future time has arrived. In January 2023, we obtained an EIN from the IRS, convened the first meeting of the LWVSC Action board, which approved its bylaws, and opened a bank account.  

Combined with other funds that we restricted before LWVSC became a 501(c)(3) organization, LWVSC Action has a little over $31,000 in its account.  So far, we’ve paid our lobbyist registration fees and purchased a laptop for use by our legislative interns out of this account.  

Our main interest at this point is in building this fund so that when the time comes that our long-time volunteer lobbyist chooses to retire, we will have at least $60,000 reserved to pay a part-time lobbyist for at least the first two years.

Become a founding supporter of LWVSC Action

Please consider making $100 donation--or more--to support LWVSC Action. It's easy to donate by credit card below:

OR mail a check to: LWVSC, PO Box 8453, Columbia SC. Make your check payable to LWVSC Action.

Note: Unlike LWVSC, which is a 501(c)(3) organization, donations to a (c)(4) non-profit organization are not tax deductible. Questions? Email the LWVSC treasurer.

LWVSC and LWVSC Action: what’s the difference?

At our April 2023 convention, we officially launched LWVSC Action, our new 501(c)(4) organization. Like LWVSC, our 501(c)(3) organization, both are nonprofit organizations but only donations to 501(c)(3) organizations are tax-deductible. Whereas a maximum of 20 percent of annual revenue of LWVSC may be used for direct lobbying, lobbying expenses incurred by LWVSC Action are unlimited.

In launching LWVSC Action, our board is planning for the time when it will need to hire a part-time lobbyist to succeed our volunteer lobbyist. Our goal in the short term is to build the LWVSC coffers so that we have enough money to cover two years of operating expenses.

At the same time, we continue to solicit funds to support LWVSC, which is only partly supported by membership dues. LWVSC supports our grassroots advocacy and education efforts, including such things as print and electronic communications, media campaigns, VOTE411, state meetings, local League support, and office management. In the next two years, over 60 percent of LWVSC revenue will need to come from voluntary contributions.

In short, we need to generously support both organizations. 



LWVSC Action, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government and advocates for legislation and other activities related to democratic, accountable, and transparent government that are consistent with the League of Women Voters of the US (LWVUS) and LWVSC policy positions.


The purposes of the LWVSC Action are to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government and to act on selected governmental issues. This association is organized and operated exclusively for public benefit purposes under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under such provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

Political Policy

LWVSC Action shall not support or oppose any political party or any candidate.

Review the PDF icon full LWVSC Action Bylaws approved on January 7, 2023.