GOP voters boot 2 'Sister Senators' in SC primaries after they broke ranks on abortion

GOP voters boot 2 'Sister Senators' in SC primaries after they broke ranks on abortion

Press Mention
Date of Release or Mention: 
Thursday, June 13, 2024

By Nick Reynolds and Alexander Thompson

LEXINGTON — Last October, the three Republican women in the South Carolina Senate stood with two of their colleagues on a stage in Boston to accept JFK Profile in Courage awards for their stand against a near-total abortion ban. The "Sister Senators" had voted their consciences — political consequences be damned.

In the June 11 Statehouse primaries, the political consequences struck back.

By the time the state Senate reconvenes for a new session in January 2025, it’s a reasonable possibility that all three of the Republican women who stood on that Boston stage will have lost their seats to men.

The results could also reduce the number of women in the 46-member Senate to two or three, as the addition of other women in the general election now appears unlikely.

That would restore the state’s dubious distinction of last in the nation for female representation in a state legislative chamber.

"It is deeply concerning that we may be facing the loss of female voices in our legislature," said Lynn Teague, a vice president for the South Carolina League of Women Voters. "Women’s perspectives show up in concern for real issues for families and communities in our state, in contrast to the political noise machine that often drowns out the needs of South Carolina’s people."

Read the full article at the link above. 

League to which this content belongs: 
South Carolina