2025-26 Effective, Accountable Government Advocacy

2025-26 Effective, Accountable Government Advocacy

2025-26 Legislative Advocacy

The LWVSC Board of Directors determines statewide legislative priorities grounded in the good governance issues that are at the heart of the League of Women Voters. 

The League remains focused intensively on its Making Democracy Work (MDW) campaign: voting and elections, redistricting, and opposition to constitutional convention resolutions. The League, as always, will attempt to advocate on all bills falling within our areas of interest as defined in state and national policies. Follow our latest Making Democracy Work (MDW) Network Updates to organizations that share our interests. 

Reference: LWVSC Effective, Accountable Government Positions/Issues

LWVSC Bills of Interest

LWVSC 2025-26 Bills of Interest

Article V Constitutional Convention of States

H.3007 and H.3008: Balanced Budget and Term Limit Convention Resolutions
The League supports the call of a convention of states under Article V of the U. S. Constitution only under specific conditions, conditions that are not met in this resolution. 
The League opposes the specific goals of H.3007 and H.3008. We recognize that deficit spending is sometimes appropriate and therefore oppose a constitutional mandated balanced budget amendment for the federal government.
The LWVUS opposes Congressional term limits that would adversely affect the accountability, representativeness, and effective performance of Congress and, by decreasing the power of Congress, upset the balance of power between Congress and an already powerful presidency.
H.3558: Commissioners to Article V Convention
The League of Women Voters of South Carolina opposes this attempt to provide constraints on delegates that Article V itself very conspicuously does not provide. 

SC Constitutional Changes

Office of Comptroller General 
The League supports appointment by the governor of offices that are primarily administrative or functional in nature, such as the Comptroller General;  direct election by voters of offices that have substantial policy-making authority; and General Assembly establishment of appropriate required qualifications.