2025-26 Human Rights & Human Services Advocacy

2025-26 Human Rights & Human Services Advocacy

2025-26 Legislative Advocacy

The LWVSC Board of Directors determines statewide legislative priorities grounded in the good governance issues that are at the heart of the League of Women Voters. 

The League remains focused intensively on its Making Democracy Work (MDW) campaign: voting and elections, redistricting, and opposition to constitutional convention resolutions. The League, as always, will attempt to advocate on all bills falling within our areas of interest as defined in state and national policies. Follow our latest Making Democracy Work (MDW) Network Updates to organizations that share our interests. 

Reference: LWVSC Human Rights & Human Services Positions/Issues

LWVSC Bills of Interest

2025-26 LWVSC Bills of Interest

Total Abortion Ban

We ask that this subcommittee reject H.3457 that would ban abortion after fertilization except in medical emergencies threatening the death or substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function, not including psychological or emotional conditions, of the pregnant person. If H.3457 is adopted the prohibition on abortion would begin even earlier, at fertilization of an ovum by a sperm. There would be no right to privacy at all, no opportunity to exercise bodily autonomy. H.3457 also deletes current legal provisions giving pregnant children access to the courts to obtain permission for an abortion, even for incest or rape. 


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Prohibition

The League of Women Voters opposes H.3927 that would prohibit state departments and other institutions from promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. This bill  would have an undesirable impact on recruitment and retention of not only state employees but also K-12 teachers and higher education employees. The bill also seeks to influence private businesses to exclude DEI from their hiring and management policies and practices. This has the potential for state and local entities to procure inferior products or services at a higher cost to taxpayers because the entity that best meets the product or service criteria may be excluded from the bidding process.

School Personnel

H.3196 Educator Assistance Act
The League of Women Voters of South Carolina supports the provisions of H.3196. This act would improve working conditions for teachers by requiring all districts to offer benefits that many districts offer now, such as sick leave banks and a minimum of two self-directed workdays that would allow teachers to prepare their classrooms and instructional plans at the beginning of the year.
The League supports this bill that would simplify the certificate renewal process, create a lifetime certification status and improve teacher working conditions. 

Education Scholarship Accounts

The over-arching concern is that the General Assembly is constitutionally charged with the “maintenance and support of a system of free public schools open to all children in the State.” Any mechanism that directs public money to private and religious schools instead of strengthening options within our system of public schools is unlikely to meet with approval from the majority of voters.
S.62 -- K-12 Lottery Scholarships 


Transgender Bans

S.240 South Carolina Parental Rights to Affirm Biological Sex in Child Welfare and Placement Act
This bill does not respect the rights of all parents. It offers legal protection only to those who reject their child’s wish to transition. We ask that you not forward this bill with a favorable recommendation.

Instructional Materials Review/Book Removals

The League of Women Voters commends the Instructional Materials Review Committee and urges their continued extreme caution in making decisions about removing books from schools, thereby limiting access to information. The number of high school pregnancies was cited.

Public Schools Operations

Charter School Accountability
The League of Women Voters of South Carolina has recognized the need for improved financial  accountability for the charter schools in this state. This bill supports that objective.

PDF icon 3/20/2025 Senate Special Education Subcommittee Testimony: S.454

Mobile Panic Alert Systems in All Schools
The League supports H.3258.Mobile silent panic alarm systems have been credited with saving multiple lives and improving school safety
Pilot Program in Media Literacy and Critical Thinking
The League of Women Voters of South Carolina supports  H.3264, which would establish a pilot program to identify effective instructional practices for developing media literacy and critical thinking.