Time Range For Action Alert:
Jan 22 2022 to Jan 26 2022On Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 9 a.m., the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee will take up two dangerous reproductive health bills:
S. 988: "Trigger Law" bans all abortions unless death of pregnant person is imminent. Declares fertilized egg to be a person. No exception for rape, incest.
S. 907 "Abortion Reversal Bill" would require health care professionals to provide patients with unproven, unscientific medical misinformation about stopping an abortion already in process.
We need to show the legislature that
- we are the majority
- pregnant people must be trusted to make their own decisions
- government has no place interfering in the private decisions of women and other pregnant people, their families, their doctors, and their faith.
Call key legislators.
Call the 3 subcommittee senators who need to hear from everyone:
Sen. Tom Corbin (R-Greenville)
Business: (864) 834-9915
State House: (803) 212-6100
tomcorbin [at] scsenate.gov
Sen. Billy Garrett (R-Greenwood)
State House: 803-212-6032
billygarrett [at] scsenate.gov
Sen. Richard Cash (R-Anderson)
Business: (803) 212-6124
Cell: (864) 505-2130
richardcash [at] scsenate.gov
Testify in person if you can.
Unfortunately, there is no virtual option for testifying. Everyone who wishes to speak against these two bills must appear in person. If you've been vaccinated and feel safe doing so, please come and testify. You can testify against one or both bills. We are all limited to 3 minutes each.
By Monday, January 24, 5 pm: complete https://forms.gle/tsCtdg74FeaAoGUe6 to register.
Submit written testimony.
By Monday, January 24, 5 pm: email smedicomm [at] scsenate.gov if you are uncomfortable testifying in person.
In the subject line, include the bill number that you're writing about: S. 988, S. 907, or both.
Spread the word to all your networks, privately and out loud.
Issues referenced by this action alert: