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Significant problems have arisen in plans for early voting in Lexington County municipal elections. Last night a meeting was held in Lexington to discuss these. Members of the League of Women Voters of the Columbia Area attended, as did a representative of ACLU of SC.

Nancy Williams, LWVSC President

A March 23 Coastal Carolina University panel discussion, Fighting Against Major Party Polarization: Can a Different Approach Improve American Politics?” included Nancy Williams, LWVSC president. The event recording is available.

Nancy Williams, LWVSC President

A March 23 Coastal Carolina University panel discussion, Fighting Against Major Party Polarization: Can a Different Approach Improve American Politics?” included Nancy Williams, LWVSC president. The event recording is available.

Making Democracy Work Network Update
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Status uncertain: H.3695, Closed Primaries, and H.3823, limiting the number of absentee ballots one can witness to five. H. 3734 would further standardize municipal elections, limiting the dates on which they can be held to three and requiring counties to administer elections for municipalities on request. This useful bill was forwarded with a favorable recommendation.

Making Democracy Work Network Update
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The Constitutional Laws Subcommittee has scheduled several election bills for tomorrow morning. H.3695 would require registration by party and prohibit voting in any primary other than that of the affiliated party. It solves no real problem and disenfranchises voters in a state where voters are already heavily handicapped in attempting to make their voices heard. H. 3823 and H.3734 address election procedures.

Press Mention

The Greenville News

The fate of South Carolina's transgender residents remains uncertain as lawmakers consider two bills that would ban gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth and restrict residents from being able to change the gender on their birth certificate. Lynn Teague with the League of Women Voters questioned if the state had a compelling interest in restricting transgender rights. "We don't prohibit every medical procedure that can turn out badly," Teague said. "If we did, no one would ever get knee replacement or back surgery. Much of Teague's argument is likely to be the crux of a lawsuit if the bill becomes law.

Diversity, Equity, inclusion
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Happy National Women’s History Month (and Belated International Women’s Day)! How can you celebrate?

Making Democracy Work Network Update
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There has been progress on some useful legislative “fixes” for election issues. We hope that the General Assembly will take up bills that would reform the selection and retention of magistrates. H.3014, the Clementa C. Pinckney Hate Crimes bill, received second reading in the House yesterday. Our senators should be strongly encouraged to pass this bill, without amendments.

Diversity, Equity, inclusion
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The League of Women Voters of South Carolina State Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award was created to acknowledge and celebrate exemplary leadership in advancing DEI throughout South Carolina Leagues. One League will be recognized with an award at the LWVSC convention this April.

Making Democracy Work Network Update
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A Senate subcommittee has favorably reviewed the appointment of Howard Knapp as Executive Director of the State Election Commission and has taken up three bills, none of them having features that raise concern for voter access.
