All South Carolina Subscribed Action Alerts

Time for Action

Action Alerts

Contact your representatives today and tell them now is the time to root out dark money that has an increasing influence on our federal elections. Encourage your representatives to support the DISCLOSE Act.


Action Alerts

Increasing the language accessibility of voting materials allows voters to feel confident in voting and become educated and informed as they vote on high-priority issues in their communities. Tell your representatives to pass the Expanding the Voluntary Opportunities for Translations in Elections (VOTE) Act (HR 8770) to increase access to translated voting materials.

Action Alert

Action Alerts

We have a unique and rare opportunity to pass new City of Charleston district maps that will give the citizens of Charleston a stronger voice and reduce incumbent gerrymandering. We need you to contact your City Council Representative and ask them to pass Option 2!

It's Time for DC Statehood. TAKE ACTION: Contact your Representative

Action Alerts

The people of Washington, DC deserve the same rights as any American living in our 50 states. They deserve full representation in Congress and to be free of Congressional interference in their local governance. Urge your Senators to support the full rights of DC residents!

Time for Action

Action Alerts

At this critical moment in our nation’s history, as the freedom to vote remains under threat, we need pro-voter legislation more than ever! Tell your senators to vote yes on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and live up to the full promise of American democracy.

Time for Action

Action Alerts

Corporations and wealthy individuals should not have the power to make undisclosed political contributions that influence elections. Disclosure of large political spending should be the bare minimum requirement.

Contact your senators today and tell them now is the time to root out dark money by passing the DISCLOSE Act.

Action Alert

Action Alerts


Congress Must Act to Protect the Nation from the Plague of Gun Violence

Protect Reproductive rights

Action Alerts

The time has come for Congress to protect reproductive rights

Logo: male and female symbols intertwined. Text: There are no more excuses - EQUAL MEANS EQUAL

Action Alerts

A new resolution has been introduced in the US House affirming that the Equal Rights Amendment has met all of the requirements needed to be added to the US Constitution. 

The inclusion of the Equal Rights Amendment in the US Constitution is long overdue.

Contact your representative today and tell them to assert that the ERA should be the law of the land! 
