House Judiciary Constitutional Laws Subcommittee (better known as “Con Laws”) has just posted an array of voting bills to be heard this coming Thursday, January 25, at 9:00 AM in Room 516 of the Blatt Building. The agenda is listed at https://www.scstatehouse.gov/agendas/125h13710.pdf.
On the agenda:
This line-up includes both bills that the League supports (H.4022) and others that we do not (H.4591). We will send out more details in a follow-up email by Monday.
The subcommittee has been expanded this year. Still chaired by Jay Jordan, members include Travis Moore, Will Wheeler, Weston Newton, and Justin Bamberg.
We hope that everyone concerned about our elections will review these bills and plan to testify, in writing (HjudConstitutionalLaws [at] schouse.gov) or in person.