17 Feb 2025
Several election bills are scheduled in the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday Feb. 20, 2025, at 9:00 AM in Room 516 of the Blatt Building.
This bill would govern treatment of local government primary protests by the State Executive Committee of each party.
This bill addresses filing fees and certification fees for candidates.
This bill would require registration of third-party organizations conducting voter registration events with the State Election Commission and requires timely submission of paper registrations to the county board of voter registration and elections within 10 days.
The last of these bills, H.3459, is of the greatest interest. While the requirements are not very demanding for organizations that routinely conduct registration drives, the bill could be an impediment to smaller-scale groups involved in church or school registration.
Written testimony on any of these bills may be submitted to HJudConstitutionalLaws [at] schouse.gov. Signup for oral testimony should be, as usual, prior to the meeting in Room 516.