![Become a Non Partisan Poll Observer Become a Non Partisan Poll Observer](https://my.lwv.org/sites/default/files/south-carolina/files/junevirtualvolunteerflyer3.jpg)
The League of Women Voters of South Carolina is partnering with the South Carolina Election Protection Coalition to monitor polling sites for voter intimidation on June 11, during the Primary election.
It is so important to have eyes and ears on the ground at the polls to document any acts of harassment or intimidation that keep voters from voting. Other than working at the polls on election day as a poll manager, there is no better way to Make Democracy Work than to be a guardian of the voting process on Election Day.
Volunteers are usually assigned to places near where they live, keeping in mind that there are critical places across the State that need to be monitored. Volunteers will be trained as to what to look for, how to respond, and how to report what you see. Non-League folks can volunteer as well.
We need an army, or at least a few good observers! Virtual training provided.
Register at https://bit.ly/SCVolunteer24