Ex-Charleston County jail chief draws scrutiny over schnauzer breeding business

Ex-Charleston County jail chief draws scrutiny over schnauzer breeding business

Press Mention
Date of Release or Mention: 
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Ex-Charleston County jail chief draws scrutiny over schnauzer breeding business

By Glenn Smith 

The planned purchase of two trained schnauzers — for a whopping $25,000 each — recently came to light after Charleston County jail officials found invoices and a dossier on the dogs in the public email account of former Detention Chief Deputy Willis Beatty. Beatty ran the jail from 2013 until his ouster last year.

Lynn Teague, an open government advocate with the S.C. League of Women Voters, said she was troubled by the lack of financial oversight for unknown pots of money, the no-bid arrangements for training, and the blurring of professional and personal interests in this episode.

“At the very least, (this episode) was handled very badly and it certainly lacks transparency and accountability,” she said. “It doesn’t sound right and it doesn’t smell good.”

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South Carolina