League launches new nationwide membership system

League launches new nationwide membership system

LWV Membership Transition

The League of Women Voters is excited to introduce a new nationwide membership system that will benefit individual members and strengthen state and local Leagues.  

The ChapterSpot membership platform will provide a centralized portal where any person can join the League or renew their membership, regardless of which League they are joining. This is designed to improve the member experience, streamline operations, and allow Leagues to better spend time where it counts: advocacy, education, and voter services. 

The League Structure Information Plan is a multi-faced, long-term initiative to address the League’s organizational capacity at all levels. The goal: spending time on building our power through advocacy, education, and voter services—not on administration. 

Advantages of the new system: 

    • It should be easy for people to find (and join!) the League of Women Voters-from anywhere.
    • The option for members to “pay what you can” now provides flexibility. Changing the pay requirement will open Leagues to a more diverse, expansive membership. Increasing and diversifying members will strengthen Leagues.
    • It allows for economies of scale. The cost of building/maintaining one quality membership system is much less than it is for each of the 800+ local and state Leagues to build their own, individual systems.
    • The administrative burden is reduced for all Leagues because they won’t have to do constant roster updates.
    • And individual members have control of their own records!

ChapterSpot frees League leadership and membership to have more time to engage in the "real" work of League: empowering voters and defending democracy. 

~Connie Deerin
Director, Member Services
League of Women Voters of South Carolina
Questions? Contact me. 

More information: 

Learn more about the new membership system: 
League to which this content belongs: 
South Carolina