Blog PostSeptember 21, 2021 News Update:
New Virtual Opportunity to Testify: Tuesday, September 28, 4:30 pm.
The House of Representatives has added a new meeting at which virtual testimony will be accepted. It is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, at 4:30 PM. In-person, virtual, and written testimony will be accepted at this meeting. The in-person meeting will be in Blatt 110. To sign up for virtual testimony on this date, email virtualtestimony [at] schouse.gov and specify September 28 as the date that you wish to testify. Written testimony should be sent to redistricting [at] schouse.gov.
Prior to testimony the committee will adopt or announce map room procedures.
Reminder: League of Women Voters Map Event
The LWVSC plans to make its maps public on September 29 in a virtual Zoom-based event, “What Would Fair Maps Look Like?” It is free and open to all who are interested. We will outline our process and explain our criteria and our reasoning. We encourage all of you to register and attend. You can register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/what-would-fair-maps-look-like-tickets-168718235785.
League to which this content belongs:
South Carolina